Seems like I only get good light to shoot one of my favorite bands if they are outside at a festival. Last night was the third time I have shot Spoon at a club and the results have all been less than satisfactory. The band played the first two songs lit by small Christmas type lights strung about the stage and the third was lit by some very harsh blue spotlights. Tough sledding for sure. I was at ISO 4000 and 1/30 shutter speed on my D3 and had my 24-70 wide open. I was cursing my decision to leave my 50/1.4 at home. Oh well.
Musically, the band was amazing. I listened to their NPR webcast from SXSW and was not impressed. They seemed a bit out of sorts and frankly sounded under-rehearsed. So imagine my surprise then when they gave me the second best show I have ever seen them do (first was the free show at Castle Clinton in 2003 in NYC). They sounded tight and on point, ready to take on the world. I was overjoyed when Britt opened with an acoustic version of “Me and the Bean.” Can’t wait to go back tonight without my camera and sit back and enjoy the show!
Read Chris Richards’ (much more eloquent) review of the show over at the Washington Post.
Spoon @ 9:30 Club – Images by Kyle Gustafson
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