
Station to Station in Pittsburgh

Station to Station tour 2013 Thurston Moore

No Age perform during the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Last summer I was given the opportunity to shoot the Station to Station show in Pittsburgh on behalf of Levi’s and it was one of the best assignments I had all year. Levi’s flew me up to Pittsburgh and put me in the same hotel the Steelers used before their season opening game against the Tennessee Titans. The gig itself was awesome, with No Age, Thurston Moore, Ariel Pink and others playing the Union Station train station in downtown Pittsburgh. No Age KILLED IT. KIIILLLLEEDDD IT. I also got to shoot the train while it was in the station as well as hang out with Thurston Moore and a few of the other artists, not to mention the marching band they brought in as well as the art exhibits. Not a bad way to spend a weekend.

Thurston Moore and John Maloney perform during the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Thurston Moore and John Maloney perform during the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Seamstresses and artisans make their goods at the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Yoshimio perform during the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Pittsburgh's Union Station served as the host venue for the  Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Photos of the train carrying the artists and performers from one gig to the next during the  of Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti perform during the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

The Kansas City Marching Cobras, a unique, region-specific African American marching band that merges traditional dance with aspects of voodoo perform during the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Thurston Moore pose for a quick portrait during the Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

Pittsburgh's Union Station served as the host venue for the  Station to Station tour, an artist-driven public art project made possible by Levi’s. (Kyle Gustafson/Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

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