
9/11 Anniversary

9/11 photos by Kyle Gustafson

9/11 photos by Kyle Gustafson

Every year on 9/11 I make sure to link to my photos from that fateful day. In some ways, it was the day that started me down the path to being a photographer.  The events of that day changed my life in a lot of ways and it would take me a few years to get everything back on track. But that’s all relative compared to what other people and their families went through.

Here’s a compendium of links to some of my 9/11 content.

– Photos from that day, taken with my first ever digital camera, a 1.3 megapixel Sony DSC-30. I’ll never forget the amount of dust and the paper that were strewn everywhere.
– My first website,  constructed and launched on 9/12.
– On the 5th anniversary, I put my experiences that day into a blog post.

A few weeks ago we had a family member in town and we took her down to the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon. If you’re ever in D.C., I highly recommend making the trip to see it. It’s my favorite memorial in town and it really well done. Powerful and understated, it’s a great place to spend some time if you’re up for it.



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